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The Native Garden

Message from the Gardener

My garden is a mix of traditional Southern favorites, pass-along plants, natives, and whatever catches my eye at the nursery.  I avoid any plants that might become invasive.  Each year I try new things in my garden; sometimes I am successful and sometimes I am not. But each spring I start anew with visions of garden beauty in my head. 

  1. My home was built around 1994. I purchased it in 2003 – the bank of kitchen windows caught my eye! When I moved in the landscaping was nice, but boring. The area behind my house was acres of undeveloped forest which was developed into the Windsor Forest neighborhood in about 2008. My yard was shaded heavily on the left-hand side by very large Leyland Cypress trees that belonged to my neighbors. These were cut down about 10 years ago by mutual agreement, and with help from a garden designer friend I replaced the Leyland cypresses with the current shrub and perennial plant border.

  2. Challenges in my location are very poor compacted soil, heavy shade, deer and other nuisance animals, and drainage issues due to being downslope from adjacent lots.  Another recent challenge was rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder in October of 2023; no digging in the yard for 4 months!

  3. I became a Hall County Master Gardener in 2020, the year of Covid. Fortunately, we were able to complete our course online when in-person meetings became impossible. I have enjoyed working with other Master Gardeners on various projects including the butterfly garden at Wilshire Trails, Elachee Nature Science Center, and the Piedmont Longstreet Hotel.  

I hope you enjoy your visit to my garden and perhaps see an idea or two that you would like to try in your own garden. 

Sloyer Garden: Welcome
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